Friday, August 26, 2011


I think I might just be the worst craft blogger in the world.  I am NEVER consistent.  I am juust always so busy. First I was planning my wedding (and being all crafty), I suppose I should post pictures of that sometime.  Then I got married, and then I got to move into my new apartment, and now school starts on Monday.  Things to do just never ends.  So, someday I will get this blog REALLY up and running.  (Yeah, Yeah that's what they all say).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

NEW ideas

So once upon a time I had all these great ideas for a blog, and I wanted to sell everything I made, but now I think I am just going to have this blog featuring things I make for myself, my home, or anything else crafty (sometimes with tutorials, sometimes just to show off my crafty inventions :)

So I am seriously going to try this blogging thing again, and post more often than once a year :) Bear with me though because after all I am a student and I don't have all the time in the world.

PS: I am totally addicted to crafty blogs, so I guess me making this blog is just adding to the thousands already out there, but that's okay, its something I absolutely love.

If you read my blog, you will soon come to know that I get excited about new ideas and I run with them.  I love almost anything crafty and DIY for low cost.

Current/recent projects in my life (that I will probably make more detailed posts of later):
: Making all my wedding flowers out of fabric, ribbon, and floral wire
: Inexpensive fun wall art
: planning my wedding
: trying hard to focus on school, but it is hard when you are engaged :)

So that's my brief overview of my "renovated blog" (its not exactly new, just the idea)

Lisa :)